Master of Agricultural Information Management
CRICOS Course ID: 111899F
Course Rationale
The Master of Agricultural Information Management (MAI) is a two-year post graduate program requiring a relevant undergraduate degree for entry. This program explores the high level of innovation and technology currently being employed in the agriculture sector. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number two is to “end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.” Estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that by 2050, global demand for food will rise by 50% compared to the present.
Pressure on existing food systems is advancing because of an increasing world population creating the need to approach this problem innovatively. Estimates show that using current and emerging technologies, the overall demand for food will be met, but questions still linger whether it will be in a sustainable manner. Emerging and current technological innovations could be used as a lever to address these challenges and further enable improvements in food systems, productivity, and human welfare.
New technology will play a crucial role in moving the world to a more productive path. Technological advancement in analytics, artificial intelligence, information and communication technology, seed and food bioengineering and robotics present innovative opportunities for producing food in smarter ways. However, technological advancements are not enough, and other factors need to be present for there to be success, including public sector governance, workforce development, trade and tax policies, and business regulation.
Today, data capture and mechanisation are increasingly relevant in the management and production of crops, animals, and the natural environment. This emerging industry targets individuals who are dedicated to pursuing a career in agriculture or entrepreneurial minds who want to harness gains in agriculture.
As a result, there is a growing need for professionals who are qualified and well versed with these new and emerging technologies to take over this niche and contribute to supporting the food systems of the 21st century and beyond. The Master of Agricultural Information Management is conceptualised and designed to produce graduates who have skills and an in-depth understanding of the application of information technology (IT) in the analysis of agricultural data and management decision-making, and as a result harness the vast opportunities in agriculture while also responding to the different challenges and constraints facing the sector.
Expertise accrued during the course include the usage of agribusiness management, geospatial technologies, financial management, creation of data maps, agricultural economics, and enhanced computer skills related to data computation, processing, and analysis. This expertise aims to address management of agricultural information and agribusiness enterprises.
Graduates will have developed and applied theoretical knowledge and understanding from a variety of authentic learning tasks and assessments, including lectures, guest lecturers, workshops, computer lab sessions, group work, and industry visits. Assessments will be in the form of case studies, formal examinations and projects that reflect real-life situations.
The course encourages all graduates to be advocates of lifelong learning and ethical practice through membership of professional associations and industry peak bodies. Career pathways include but are not limited to:
* Agroinformatics consultant
* Agribusiness consultant
* Agricultural marketing specialist
* Agriculture development officer
* Supply chain manager
* University academic
* Employment in relevant government departments in areas such as research, regulation, policy development, education and extension, and administration
* Employment in private sector organisations providing services to the agribusiness sector in areas such as research, extension, administration, and sales
* Employment in industry
The course structure is based on four semesters (each semester is 12 teaching weeks, plus one review week and one exam week).
120 credit points of core
40 credit points of elective
To qualify for award of Master of Agricultural Information Management a student shall accrue an aggregate of at least 160 credit points, including satisfactory completion of the core units noted below.
BC400 Communication and Media Management
EC400 Agribusiness Economics and Finance
AP501 Food, Fibre, and Protein Production
IM401 Introduction to Agroinformatics
IM501 Agriculture Data and Information Management
MG401 Leadership in Agribusiness
2 x electives
IM500 Agroinformatics Capstone
2 x electives
More Information
For more information about elective units see the List of Units.