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Complaints, Grievances and Appeals

Leaders Institute is committed to providing an effective grievance and appeals process that prioritises the welfare of those involved. It is your responsibility to read and follow the procedures listed in the Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Policy. Please ensure that your grievance and/or appeals are submitted within the appropriate time limits.

Leaders Institute welcomes genuine grievances made in good faith and we are committed to providing an effective and transparent resolution process. We do not welcome vexatious complaints that are without merit, malicious, or already resolved. Deliberate misuse of the grievance and appeals process will be investigated according to the Code of Conduct Policy.

For international students where the grievance relates to them being excluded from a course due to not completing the course in the required time frame, not achieving satisfactory attendance, or not making satisfactory course progress, the student will be notified in writing that they will be reported to the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs and this may result in their student visa being cancelled. The student will be informed, in writing, that they have 20 working days to access the appeals process listed in the policy.

The procedure for notification and resolution of a grievance related to sexual misconduct is outlined in the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy.

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