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Policy Development and Review Policy


This policy outlines the processes for the development and review of the Leaders Institute (LI) policies and procedures.


Whole Institute


Any new policy or major change to an existing policy in the LI Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) requires the approval of an approval body.  The three approval bodies of LI are:


1.    Governing Board

2.    Academic Board

3.    Executive Management Team


The parameters for approval of policies are defined as:


Risk Assessment

Academic Policies

Operations Policies

Low or Medium Risk

Academic Board

Executive Management Team

High Risk

Governing Board

Governing Board


The risk rating of a policy is determined using the Risk Assessment Matrix in the Risk Management Policy.

It is the responsibility of Academic Board or Executive Management Team to determine whether a policy should be deemed high risk and referred to Governing Board. If doubt exists as to the appropriate risk rating for a policy, this should automatically be referred to Governing Board.



Minor editing of policies, including typographical or formatting errors, key words and definitions does not require approval. However, major changes should be tabled to the endorsement body for recommendation to the approval body.


All policies are reviewed annually to ensure compliance. The PPM also undergoes a comprehensive review by Executive Management Team, Academic Board and Governing Board on a five yearly basis.




Development of a new policy or major revision of a current policy is initiated by the owner of a policy. This may include:

  • relevant government policy and legislation, and national codes;

  • external benchmarking; 

  • stakeholder feedback;

  • whether related policies need to be revised or rescinded; 

  • other relevant information.


Policies should be presented in the LI PPM format.



The draft policy should be tabled to the listed endorsement body for consideration. If necessary, adjustments are made accordingly. Where previous policies are replaced by a new policy, or merged with another policy, endorsement of the previous approval body must be sought.



The final policy is approved or rejected by the relevant approval body. 



When a new or reviewed policy is approved, it is uploaded to the PPM by the relevant policy owner (or delegated representative) in the correct PPM formatting. Stakeholders are informed in writing of the newly approved policy.

Policy Owner

Chair, Governing Board

Approval Date

11 April 2023

Approving Body

Governing Board

Review Date

11 April 2028

Endorsing Body

Executive Management Team



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